Info about ETH-BTCB pair
- Pooled ETH:
- 23.07
- Pooled BTCB:
- $0.5104
ETH/BTCB price stats on BNB Chain
As of March 31, 2025, the current price of ETH token on DEX MDEX is $1,833.26. ETH price is up 1.47% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 54 trades with trading volume of $1,040.83. ETH token contract is 0x2170Ed0880ac9A755fd29B2688956BD959F933F8 with a market cap $1,107,905,146.60. The liquidity pool contract is 0x577d005912C49B1679B4c21E334FdB650E92C077 with total value locked (TVL) of $84,448.52. The ETH/BTCB trading pair operates on BNB Chain.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of ETH/BTCB now?
The current liquidity of ETH/BTCB with the contract address 0x577d005912C49B1679B4c21E334FdB650E92C077 is $84,448.52.
How many transactions are there in the ETH/BTCB pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of ETH/BTCB is 54 in the last 24 hours, 31 of which are buy transactions, and 23 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the ETH/BTCB pool in the last 24 hours?
ETH/BTCB pool has a trading volume of $1,040.83 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 ETH to BTCB?
The exchange rate of 1 ETH to BTCB is 0.02218, captured at 10:39 PM UTC.
How much is 1 ETH in dollars?
The price of converting 1 ETH to USD is $1,833.26 today.
ETH-BTCB price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price BTCB | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/31/2025 | 8:17:09 PM | buy | $4.61 | $1,833.26 | 0.00005585 | 0.02218 | 0.002518 | 0xa4...15e7 | |
03/31/2025 | 8:06:39 PM | buy | $3.67 | $1,830.26 | 0.00004457 | 0.02217 | 0.00201 | 0x37...784d | |
03/31/2025 | 7:57:21 PM | buy | $2.33 | $1,833.01 | 0.00002822 | 0.02217 | 0.001272 | 0x44...3a97 | |
03/31/2025 | 7:57:21 PM | buy | $9.89 | $1,832.48 | 0.0001196 | 0.02216 | 0.005399 | 0xf8...ae6c | |
03/31/2025 | 7:56:30 PM | buy | $6.18 | $1,831.78 | 0.00007486 | 0.02215 | 0.003378 | 0x0e...f1db | |
03/31/2025 | 7:40:33 PM | buy | $20.43 | $1,834.99 | 0.0002466 | 0.02214 | 0.01113 | 0xaf...3277 | |
03/31/2025 | 7:36:27 PM | buy | $0.4731 | $1,836.33 | 0.055703 | 0.02213 | 0.0002576 | 0x6c...654a | |
03/31/2025 | 4:46:45 PM | buy | $17.73 | $1,840.64 | 0.0002131 | 0.02212 | 0.009632 | 0x0c...4d1d | |
03/31/2025 | 3:03:51 PM | buy | $30.8 | $1,848.19 | 0.0003683 | 0.02209 | 0.01666 | 0xeb...9a1d | |
03/31/2025 | 2:20:06 PM | sell | $19.54 | $1,825.81 | 0.0002351 | 0.02196 | 0.0107 | 0x2e...ddcf | |
03/31/2025 | 2:12:24 PM | sell | $29.6 | $1,824.58 | 0.0003568 | 0.02198 | 0.01622 | 0x58...4032 | |
03/31/2025 | 1:32:45 PM | sell | $53.62 | $1,812.23 | 0.0006518 | 0.02202 | 0.02958 | 0xdf...e2f9 | |
03/31/2025 | 12:51:36 PM | buy | $50.43 | $1,831.26 | 0.0006104 | 0.02216 | 0.02754 | 0x50...3024 | |
03/31/2025 | 12:26:51 PM | buy | $8.62 | $1,812.55 | 0.0001053 | 0.02213 | 0.004758 | 0xfd...45b5 | |
03/31/2025 | 12:26:48 PM | buy | $7.68 | $1,811.84 | 0.00009389 | 0.02212 | 0.004244 | 0x0f...0102 | |
03/31/2025 | 11:49:57 AM | buy | $82.14 | $1,807.44 | 0.001003 | 0.02207 | 0.04544 | 0xd7...f8b6 | |
03/31/2025 | 11:42:18 AM | buy | $4.01 | $1,804.02 | 0.00004906 | 0.02203 | 0.002227 | 0x80...ee39 | |
03/31/2025 | 11:42:00 AM | buy | $19.38 | $1,803.51 | 0.0002367 | 0.02201 | 0.01075 | 0x2f...c0e3 | |
03/31/2025 | 7:35:17 AM | sell | $21.08 | $1,797.18 | 0.0002567 | 0.02188 | 0.01173 | 0x5d...7b52 | |
03/31/2025 | 7:35:17 AM | sell | $18.29 | $1,798.88 | 0.0002228 | 0.0219 | 0.01017 | 0xae...db76 |