Info about WBNB-BUSD pair
- Pooled WBNB:
- 0.2407
- Pooled BUSD:
- $133.39
WBNB/BUSD price stats on BNB Chain
As of March 12, 2025, the current price of WBNB token on DEX CDz Swap is $552.5. WBNB price is up 3.12% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 18 trades with trading volume of $13.29. WBNB token contract is 0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c with a market cap $671,265,830.62. The liquidity pool contract is 0x57cFD47808b8A00290ac262193132765E7fCD1Fe with total value locked (TVL) of $266.78. The WBNB/BUSD trading pair operates on BNB Chain.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of WBNB/BUSD now?
The current liquidity of WBNB/BUSD with the contract address 0x57cFD47808b8A00290ac262193132765E7fCD1Fe is $266.78.
How many transactions are there in the WBNB/BUSD pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of WBNB/BUSD is 18 in the last 24 hours, 14 of which are buy transactions, and 4 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the WBNB/BUSD pool in the last 24 hours?
WBNB/BUSD pool has a trading volume of $13.29 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 WBNB to BUSD?
The exchange rate of 1 WBNB to BUSD is 552.5, captured at 1:48 AM UTC.
How much is 1 WBNB in dollars?
The price of converting 1 WBNB to USD is $552.5 today.
WBNB-BUSD price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price BUSD | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/11/2025 | 6:40:28 PM | buy | $0.7145 | $552.5 | 0.7145 | 552.5 | 0.001293 | 0xf0...b8eb | |
03/11/2025 | 4:39:49 PM | buy | $0.5289 | $547.63 | 0.5289 | 547.63 | 0.0009658 | 0xd5...37b5 | |
03/11/2025 | 2:24:12 PM | buy | $0.2962 | $544.23 | 0.2962 | 544.23 | 0.0005443 | 0x5b...63f5 | |
03/11/2025 | 2:23:48 PM | sell | $0.8439 | $543.23 | 0.8439 | 543.23 | 0.001553 | 0xee...fd80 | |
03/11/2025 | 11:55:51 AM | sell | $1.26 | $551.94 | 1.26 | 551.94 | 0.002295 | 0x4e...359a | |
03/11/2025 | 9:09:18 AM | buy | $0.7167 | $557.57 | 0.7167 | 557.57 | 0.001285 | 0x48...38c5 | |
03/11/2025 | 8:34:03 AM | buy | $0.7474 | $551.21 | 0.7474 | 551.21 | 0.001356 | 0x18...b276 | |
03/11/2025 | 7:43:48 AM | buy | $0.8365 | $544.66 | 0.8365 | 544.66 | 0.001535 | 0x2f...ab79 | |
03/11/2025 | 6:43:23 AM | buy | $0.3993 | $539.59 | 0.3993 | 539.59 | 0.0007401 | 0xfb...4a78 | |
03/11/2025 | 5:25:44 AM | buy | $0.498 | $535.92 | 0.498 | 535.92 | 0.0009292 | 0x46...0309 | |
03/11/2025 | 3:01:59 AM | buy | $0.4371 | $532.1 | 0.4371 | 532.1 | 0.0008215 | 0xa8...4195 | |
03/11/2025 | 2:04:56 AM | buy | $0.6283 | $527.77 | 0.6283 | 527.77 | 0.00119 | 0x24...075c | |
03/11/2025 | 2:04:50 AM | buy | $0.6131 | $522.75 | 0.6131 | 522.75 | 0.001172 | 0xc2...8073 | |
03/11/2025 | 12:41:45 AM | sell | $2.26 | $526.8 | 2.26 | 526.8 | 0.0043 | 0xac...3e20 | |
03/10/2025 | 10:04:30 PM | buy | $0.2749 | $537.6 | 0.2749 | 537.6 | 0.0005114 | 0x68...bc65 | |
03/10/2025 | 8:21:27 PM | buy | $0.2232 | $535.83 | 0.2232 | 535.83 | 0.0004165 | 0x13...2d4e | |
03/10/2025 | 7:52:00 PM | buy | $0.354 | $533.21 | 0.354 | 533.21 | 0.000664 | 0xf6...e50b | |
03/10/2025 | 7:09:54 PM | sell | $1.63 | $535.78 | 1.63 | 535.78 | 0.00306 | 0x6c...2ab5 | |
03/10/2025 | 5:26:33 PM | sell | $0.9286 | $546.34 | 0.9286 | 546.34 | 0.001699 | 0xee...9c40 | |
03/10/2025 | 3:58:33 PM | buy | $0.3451 | $551.78 | 0.3451 | 551.78 | 0.0006254 | 0x42...2f4f |