Info about TRX-WBNB pair
- Pooled TRX:
- 138,518.24
- Pooled WBNB:
- $89.48
TRX/WBNB price stats on BNB Chain
As of March 14, 2025, the current price of TRX token on DEX Biswap V3 is $0.2218. TRX price is down -0.74% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 59 trades with trading volume of $14,750.30. TRX token contract is 0xCE7de646e7208a4Ef112cb6ed5038FA6cC6b12e3 with a market cap $65,577,024.14. The liquidity pool contract is 0x17B27DD90C967D92E0042E1a86b423701a1b8305 with total value locked (TVL) of $83,199.07. The TRX/WBNB trading pair operates on BNB Chain.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of TRX/WBNB now?
The current liquidity of TRX/WBNB with the contract address 0x17B27DD90C967D92E0042E1a86b423701a1b8305 is $83,199.07.
How many transactions are there in the TRX/WBNB pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of TRX/WBNB is 59 in the last 24 hours, 39 of which are buy transactions, and 20 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the TRX/WBNB pool in the last 24 hours?
TRX/WBNB pool has a trading volume of $14,750.30 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 TRX to WBNB?
The exchange rate of 1 TRX to WBNB is 0.0003783, captured at 10:26 PM UTC.
How much is 1 TRX in dollars?
The price of converting 1 TRX to USD is $0.2218 today.
TRX-WBNB price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WBNB | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/14/2025 | 9:16:22 PM | buy | $30.13 | $0.2218 | 0.05139 | 0.0003783 | 135.83 | 0xbf...1fc5 | |
03/14/2025 | 8:08:40 PM | sell | $264.71 | $0.2214 | 0.45 | 0.0003764 | 1,195.63 | 0x47...edc8 | |
03/14/2025 | 7:12:55 PM | sell | $288.78 | $0.2213 | 0.4916 | 0.0003768 | 1,304.54 | 0xbe...05e7 | |
03/14/2025 | 7:11:58 PM | sell | $341.87 | $0.2211 | 0.5832 | 0.0003773 | 1,545.57 | 0x69...4bc7 | |
03/14/2025 | 7:07:25 PM | sell | $390.19 | $0.2211 | 0.6668 | 0.0003779 | 1,764.61 | 0xd5...858c | |
03/14/2025 | 6:35:40 PM | sell | $318.01 | $0.2211 | 0.5442 | 0.0003784 | 1,438.02 | 0x84...b68c | |
03/14/2025 | 6:03:01 PM | sell | $241.36 | $0.2213 | 0.4131 | 0.0003788 | 1,090.42 | 0x26...d417 | |
03/14/2025 | 6:02:01 PM | sell | $243.69 | $0.2212 | 0.4176 | 0.0003792 | 1,101.33 | 0x1b...36a2 | |
03/14/2025 | 5:59:13 PM | sell | $243.93 | $0.2214 | 0.4181 | 0.0003796 | 1,101.33 | 0xd7...12c9 | |
03/14/2025 | 5:49:10 PM | buy | $268.43 | $0.2232 | 0.459 | 0.0003817 | 1,202.48 | 0xf3...40f9 | |
03/14/2025 | 5:48:55 PM | buy | $343.08 | $0.2229 | 0.5867 | 0.0003812 | 1,538.77 | 0x6c...f136 | |
03/14/2025 | 5:48:43 PM | buy | $245.44 | $0.2226 | 0.4197 | 0.0003808 | 1,102.17 | 0x34...18d5 | |
03/14/2025 | 5:48:31 PM | buy | $271.12 | $0.2224 | 0.4636 | 0.0003804 | 1,218.77 | 0xe2...ccf0 | |
03/14/2025 | 4:50:55 PM | sell | $175.7 | $0.2215 | 0.2999 | 0.0003782 | 793.07 | 0xea...21aa | |
03/14/2025 | 4:38:49 PM | sell | $272.27 | $0.2215 | 0.4651 | 0.0003785 | 1,228.72 | 0x0a...81eb | |
03/14/2025 | 4:23:31 PM | buy | $29.67 | $0.2229 | 0.05069 | 0.0003808 | 133.08 | 0xfc...5c58 | |
03/14/2025 | 4:11:55 PM | buy | $293.59 | $0.2225 | 0.502 | 0.0003806 | 1,319.01 | 0xf6...cb63 | |
03/14/2025 | 3:05:31 PM | sell | $317.39 | $0.2215 | 0.5423 | 0.0003785 | 1,432.88 | 0x06...0267 | |
03/14/2025 | 1:57:40 PM | sell | $706.54 | $0.2213 | 1.21 | 0.0003793 | 3,192.56 | 0xb4...7bbe | |
03/14/2025 | 1:56:46 PM | sell | $444.14 | $0.221 | 0.7638 | 0.0003802 | 2,008.89 | 0xe8...801c |