Info about WBNB-USDT pair
- Pooled WBNB:
- 2.87
- Pooled USDT:
- $1,599.11
WBNB/USDT price stats on BNB Chain
As of March 12, 2025, the current price of WBNB token on DEX Alium Finance is $556.33. WBNB price is up 1.70% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 168 trades with trading volume of $109.33. WBNB token contract is 0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c with a market cap $674,255,070.03. The liquidity pool contract is 0xB55d67AA2d57861c81487b29A578aE1CdF272795 with total value locked (TVL) of $3,198.23. The WBNB/USDT trading pair operates on BNB Chain.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of WBNB/USDT now?
The current liquidity of WBNB/USDT with the contract address 0xB55d67AA2d57861c81487b29A578aE1CdF272795 is $3,198.23.
How many transactions are there in the WBNB/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of WBNB/USDT is 168 in the last 24 hours, 82 of which are buy transactions, and 86 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the WBNB/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
WBNB/USDT pool has a trading volume of $109.33 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 WBNB to USDT?
The exchange rate of 1 WBNB to USDT is 556.33, captured at 2:28 PM UTC.
How much is 1 WBNB in dollars?
The price of converting 1 WBNB to USD is $556.33 today.
WBNB-USDT price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDT | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/12/2025 | 2:04:56 PM | sell | $1.85 | $556.33 | 1.85 | 556.33 | 0.003333 | 0x2f...dcc5 | |
03/12/2025 | 2:04:11 PM | buy | $2.28 | $559.25 | 2.28 | 559.25 | 0.004077 | 0x66...f182 | |
03/12/2025 | 1:50:44 PM | sell | $3.76 | $556.7 | 3.76 | 556.7 | 0.006761 | 0x7c...9ed1 | |
03/12/2025 | 1:26:44 PM | sell | $2.26 | $558.8 | 2.26 | 558.8 | 0.004052 | 0x7e...920e | |
03/12/2025 | 12:34:05 PM | buy | $3.76 | $561.08 | 3.76 | 561.08 | 0.006705 | 0xf9...29e5 | |
03/12/2025 | 12:05:59 PM | buy | $0.5577 | $559.57 | 0.5577 | 559.57 | 0.0009967 | 0xf8...5bc0 | |
03/12/2025 | 11:08:32 AM | buy | $1.01 | $559.02 | 1.01 | 559.02 | 0.001816 | 0xe9...46dd | |
03/12/2025 | 10:32:05 AM | buy | $0.000611 | $558.67 | 0.000611 | 558.67 | 0.051093 | 0x69...ed98 | |
03/12/2025 | 8:51:08 AM | buy | $1.46 | $558.16 | 1.46 | 558.16 | 0.00262 | 0xcd...4b97 | |
03/12/2025 | 8:46:59 AM | buy | $0.7835 | $557.38 | 0.7835 | 557.38 | 0.001405 | 0xb5...0ccb | |
03/12/2025 | 8:06:17 AM | buy | $0.9465 | $556.77 | 0.9465 | 556.77 | 0.0017 | 0xab...06b7 | |
03/12/2025 | 7:58:38 AM | buy | $0.6842 | $556.2 | 0.6842 | 556.2 | 0.00123 | 0x85...7c32 | |
03/12/2025 | 7:58:35 AM | buy | $1.66 | $555.39 | 1.66 | 555.39 | 0.002995 | 0x4e...2f5f | |
03/12/2025 | 7:27:44 AM | buy | $0.5577 | $554.62 | 0.5577 | 554.62 | 0.001005 | 0x14...3644 | |
03/12/2025 | 7:27:44 AM | buy | $0.6669 | $554.19 | 0.6669 | 554.19 | 0.001203 | 0x80...c2a7 | |
03/12/2025 | 7:25:38 AM | buy | $0.1966 | $553.89 | 0.1966 | 553.89 | 0.0003549 | 0x6a...1dc4 | |
03/12/2025 | 5:56:17 AM | sell | $0.01121 | $551.06 | 0.01121 | 551.06 | 0.00002034 | 0x12...c440 | |
03/12/2025 | 5:48:05 AM | buy | $0.0006374 | $553.83 | 0.0006374 | 553.83 | 0.051151 | 0x82...724f | |
03/12/2025 | 5:47:26 AM | sell | $0.1329 | $550.83 | 0.1329 | 550.83 | 0.0002413 | 0x27...5380 | |
03/12/2025 | 5:44:53 AM | buy | $0.0001592 | $553.96 | 0.0001592 | 553.96 | 0.062875 | 0x99...a63f |