Info about XSGD-WAVAX pair
- Pooled XSGD:
- 2.67M
- Pooled WAVAX:
- $11,690.33
XSGD/WAVAX price stats on Avalanche
As of January 17, 2025, the current price of XSGD token on DEX Pharaoh Exchange is $0.7322. XSGD price is down -0.03% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 1885 trades with trading volume of $4,669,069.12. XSGD token contract is 0xb2F85b7AB3c2b6f62DF06dE6aE7D09c010a5096E with a market cap $10,781,055.59. The liquidity pool contract is 0x66531C847cCe6Fe55257C6D5405163818dC42295 with total value locked (TVL) of $2,433,769.44. The XSGD/WAVAX trading pair operates on Avalanche.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of XSGD/WAVAX now?
The current liquidity of XSGD/WAVAX with the contract address 0x66531C847cCe6Fe55257C6D5405163818dC42295 is $2,433,769.44.
How many transactions are there in the XSGD/WAVAX pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of XSGD/WAVAX is 1885 in the last 24 hours, 715 of which are buy transactions, and 1170 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the XSGD/WAVAX pool in the last 24 hours?
XSGD/WAVAX pool has a trading volume of $4,669,069.12 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 XSGD to WAVAX?
The exchange rate of 1 XSGD to WAVAX is 0.01797, captured at 6:39 AM UTC.
How much is 1 XSGD in dollars?
The price of converting 1 XSGD to USD is $0.7322 today.
XSGD-WAVAX price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WAVAX | Maker | TXN | ||||
01/17/2025 | 6:22:21 AM | sell | $12,928.34 | $0.7322 | 317.34 | 0.01797 | 17,656.66 | 0x59...598e | |
01/17/2025 | 6:20:48 AM | sell | $1,798.83 | $0.732 | 44.18 | 0.01798 | 2,457.1 | 0x71...4e5f | |
01/17/2025 | 6:20:09 AM | sell | $6,975.45 | $0.7317 | 171.44 | 0.01798 | 9,532.26 | 0x53...4a3b | |
01/17/2025 | 6:15:33 AM | sell | $6,519.92 | $0.7314 | 160.37 | 0.01799 | 8,913.29 | 0xf3...827e | |
01/17/2025 | 6:15:27 AM | sell | $556.01 | $0.7316 | 13.67 | 0.01799 | 759.95 | 0x32...9bb0 | |
01/17/2025 | 6:15:19 AM | sell | $1,993.44 | $0.7316 | 49.03 | 0.01799 | 2,724.41 | 0x77...244d | |
01/17/2025 | 6:15:15 AM | sell | $2,162.04 | $0.7317 | 53.18 | 0.018 | 2,954.45 | 0xbf...4917 | |
01/17/2025 | 6:14:57 AM | sell | $893.72 | $0.7317 | 21.98 | 0.018 | 1,221.41 | 0x8c...2cbe | |
01/17/2025 | 6:14:40 AM | sell | $1,938.55 | $0.7317 | 47.69 | 0.018 | 2,649.11 | 0xef...7791 | |
01/17/2025 | 6:14:29 AM | sell | $4,844.07 | $0.7315 | 119.24 | 0.018 | 6,621.75 | 0xd3...9e98 | |
01/17/2025 | 6:14:28 AM | sell | $1,508.11 | $0.7316 | 37.12 | 0.01801 | 2,061.16 | 0xd2...434d | |
01/17/2025 | 6:14:20 AM | sell | $1,359.65 | $0.7317 | 33.46 | 0.01801 | 1,858.09 | 0x98...df9c | |
01/17/2025 | 6:14:16 AM | sell | $1,525.97 | $0.7318 | 37.56 | 0.01801 | 2,085.21 | 0x96...9ef4 | |
01/17/2025 | 6:14:11 AM | sell | $1,760.16 | $0.7318 | 43.32 | 0.01801 | 2,404.97 | 0xeb...22e1 | |
01/17/2025 | 6:12:25 AM | sell | $1,912.33 | $0.7319 | 47.07 | 0.01801 | 2,612.6 | 0x32...3f3d | |
01/17/2025 | 5:54:51 AM | sell | $339.32 | $0.7316 | 8.35 | 0.01801 | 463.81 | 0x9f...be7f | |
01/17/2025 | 5:54:47 AM | sell | $1,993.69 | $0.7316 | 49.1 | 0.01802 | 2,724.9 | 0xaa...be67 | |
01/17/2025 | 5:32:35 AM | sell | $3,302.7 | $0.7315 | 81.36 | 0.01802 | 4,514.54 | 0xb8...4e6b | |
01/17/2025 | 5:31:46 AM | sell | $533.15 | $0.7316 | 13.13 | 0.01802 | 728.69 | 0x86...ac81 | |
01/17/2025 | 5:31:40 AM | sell | $1,994.03 | $0.7317 | 49.12 | 0.01802 | 2,725.15 | 0xab...2743 |