Info about BLUB-USDC pair
- Pooled BLUB:
- 34,528.58
- Pooled USDC:
- $211.93
BLUB/USDC price stats on Avalanche
As of March 6, 2025, the current price of BLUB token on DEX LFJ V2.2 is $0.0793. BLUB price is up 22.28% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 286 trades with trading volume of $11,655.53. BLUB token contract is 0x0f669808d88B2b0b3D23214DCD2a1cc6A8B1B5cd with a market cap $79,303,545.50. The liquidity pool contract is 0x1043374511AFF3E32A0cB0620B2018dd0F6DE063 with total value locked (TVL) of $423.87. The BLUB/USDC trading pair operates on Avalanche.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of BLUB/USDC now?
The current liquidity of BLUB/USDC with the contract address 0x1043374511AFF3E32A0cB0620B2018dd0F6DE063 is $423.87.
How many transactions are there in the BLUB/USDC pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of BLUB/USDC is 286 in the last 24 hours, 120 of which are buy transactions, and 166 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the BLUB/USDC pool in the last 24 hours?
BLUB/USDC pool has a trading volume of $11,655.53 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 BLUB to USDC?
The exchange rate of 1 BLUB to USDC is 0.0793, captured at 1:25 AM UTC.
How much is 1 BLUB in dollars?
The price of converting 1 BLUB to USD is $0.0793 today.
BLUB-USDC price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDC | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/06/2025 | 1:23:49 AM | sell | $0.9523 | $0.0793 | 0.9523 | 0.0793 | 12 | 0x65...1ceb | |
03/06/2025 | 1:15:19 AM | buy | $0.7377 | $0.08026 | 0.7377 | 0.08026 | 9.19 | 0x11...6f2e | |
03/06/2025 | 1:01:16 AM | sell | $1.75 | $0.07929 | 1.75 | 0.07929 | 22.11 | 0xdd...2e58 | |
03/06/2025 | 12:46:41 AM | buy | $2.01 | $0.08031 | 2.01 | 0.08031 | 25.09 | 0x16...1f51 | |
03/06/2025 | 12:46:41 AM | buy | $0.01897 | $0.0795 | 0.01897 | 0.0795 | 0.2386 | 0x16...1f51 | |
03/06/2025 | 12:45:28 AM | buy | $2.01 | $0.07949 | 2.01 | 0.07949 | 25.4 | 0xc7...25e2 | |
03/06/2025 | 12:45:28 AM | buy | $0.01652 | $0.0787 | 0.01652 | 0.0787 | 0.2099 | 0xc7...25e2 | |
03/06/2025 | 12:37:22 AM | buy | $2.02 | $0.07791 | 2.02 | 0.07791 | 26.03 | 0x50...2e82 | |
03/06/2025 | 12:37:22 AM | buy | $2.02 | $0.07871 | 2.02 | 0.07871 | 25.69 | 0x50...2e82 | |
03/06/2025 | 12:32:10 AM | sell | $0.01611 | $0.07771 | 0.01611 | 0.07771 | 0.2073 | 0xa2...804e | |
03/06/2025 | 12:32:10 AM | sell | $2 | $0.07692 | 2 | 0.07692 | 26.03 | 0xa2...804e | |
03/06/2025 | 12:27:31 AM | sell | $1.99 | $0.07771 | 1.99 | 0.07771 | 25.67 | 0x6a...5fcc | |
03/06/2025 | 12:22:58 AM | sell | $0.002325 | $0.07769 | 0.002325 | 0.07769 | 0.02992 | 0x12...3183 | |
03/06/2025 | 12:22:58 AM | sell | $1.52 | $0.0785 | 1.52 | 0.0785 | 19.48 | 0x12...3183 | |
03/06/2025 | 12:14:21 AM | sell | $0.02036 | $0.08009 | 0.02036 | 0.08009 | 0.2543 | 0xae...c785 | |
03/06/2025 | 12:14:21 AM | sell | $2.03 | $0.07928 | 2.03 | 0.07928 | 25.72 | 0xae...c785 | |
03/06/2025 | 12:14:21 AM | sell | $0.4836 | $0.07848 | 0.4836 | 0.07848 | 6.16 | 0xae...c785 | |
03/06/2025 | 12:08:14 AM | sell | $2.02 | $0.08008 | 2.02 | 0.08008 | 25.24 | 0xcc...0766 | |
03/06/2025 | 12:08:14 AM | sell | $0.02995 | $0.08089 | 0.02995 | 0.08089 | 0.3702 | 0xcc...0766 | |
03/06/2025 | 12:06:49 AM | sell | $0.02947 | $0.08169 | 0.02947 | 0.08169 | 0.3608 | 0xa0...0a3d |