Info about SolvBTC.BBN-SolvBTC pair
- Pooled SolvBTC.BBN:
- 18.97
- Pooled SolvBTC:
- $18.05
SolvBTC.BBN/SolvBTC price stats on Avalanche
As of March 28, 2025, the current price of SolvBTC.BBN token on DEX LFJ V2.2 is $83,702.2. SolvBTC.BBN price is down -3.01% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 12 trades with trading volume of $1,034,633.66. SolvBTC.BBN token contract is 0xCC0966D8418d412c599A6421b760a847eB169A8c with a market cap $2,405,326.76. The liquidity pool contract is 0x805aF256903bfe271255242c3eeC2a6DC6eb319d with total value locked (TVL) of $3,106,721.90. The SolvBTC.BBN/SolvBTC trading pair operates on Avalanche.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of SolvBTC.BBN/SolvBTC now?
The current liquidity of SolvBTC.BBN/SolvBTC with the contract address 0x805aF256903bfe271255242c3eeC2a6DC6eb319d is $3,106,721.90.
How many transactions are there in the SolvBTC.BBN/SolvBTC pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of SolvBTC.BBN/SolvBTC is 12 in the last 24 hours, 0 of which are buy transactions, and 12 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the SolvBTC.BBN/SolvBTC pool in the last 24 hours?
SolvBTC.BBN/SolvBTC pool has a trading volume of $1,034,633.66 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 SolvBTC.BBN to SolvBTC?
The exchange rate of 1 SolvBTC.BBN to SolvBTC is 0.9953, captured at 4:17 PM UTC.
How much is 1 SolvBTC.BBN in dollars?
The price of converting 1 SolvBTC.BBN to USD is $83,702.2 today.
SolvBTC.BBN-SolvBTC price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price SolvBTC | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/28/2025 | 3:59:52 PM | sell | $50,915.13 | $83,702.2 | 0.6054 | 0.9953 | 0.6082 | 0x25...a1dd | |
03/28/2025 | 3:59:27 PM | sell | $144,722.96 | $83,702.2 | 1.72 | 0.9953 | 1.72 | 0xce...5d68 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:55:26 PM | sell | $5,193.47 | $83,702.2 | 0.06175 | 0.9953 | 0.06204 | 0xf0...c8a6 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:40:52 PM | sell | $126,804.88 | $83,618.74 | 1.5 | 0.9953 | 1.51 | 0x17...891f | |
03/28/2025 | 3:22:35 PM | sell | $206,339.51 | $83,507.32 | 2.45 | 0.9953 | 2.47 | 0xe2...3aa1 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:18:47 PM | sell | $10,012.22 | $83,443.52 | 0.1194 | 0.9953 | 0.1199 | 0xea...4ec3 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:14:12 PM | sell | $3,809.29 | $83,740.18 | 0.04527 | 0.9953 | 0.04548 | 0x65...bcbd | |
03/28/2025 | 3:01:36 PM | sell | $96,524.2 | $83,756.93 | 1.14 | 0.9955 | 1.15 | 0x92...2699 | |
03/28/2025 | 3:01:36 PM | sell | $112,824.39 | $83,740.05 | 1.34 | 0.9953 | 1.34 | 0x92...2699 | |
03/27/2025 | 10:11:16 PM | sell | $87,248.7 | $86,820.82 | 1 | 0.9955 | 1 | 0xc2...af82 | |
03/27/2025 | 9:14:22 PM | sell | $60,806.29 | $86,323.73 | 0.7012 | 0.9955 | 0.7043 | 0x9f...d7c9 | |
03/27/2025 | 9:05:45 PM | sell | $129,432.56 | $86,297 | 1.49 | 0.9955 | 1.49 | 0xcf...6934 | |
03/27/2025 | 11:59:21 AM | sell | $86,237.54 | $86,289.31 | 0.9949 | 0.9955 | 0.9994 | 0xac...795e | |
03/24/2025 | 3:30:30 PM | buy | $45,214.52 | $87,398.55 | 0.5153 | 0.9961 | 0.5173 | 0x3a...64e2 | |
03/24/2025 | 3:11:06 PM | buy | $175,056.7 | $87,045.58 | 2 | 0.9961 | 2.01 | 0xdc...5496 | |
03/20/2025 | 3:17:39 PM | buy | $11,371.94 | $85,123.55 | 0.133 | 0.9961 | 0.1335 | 0xc6...b524 | |
03/20/2025 | 3:17:39 PM | buy | $74,075.51 | $85,106.4 | 0.8668 | 0.9959 | 0.8703 | 0xc6...b524 | |
03/20/2025 | 9:54:12 AM | buy | $107,377.6 | $85,128.88 | 1.25 | 0.9959 | 1.26 | 0x72...2a97 | |
03/20/2025 | 9:48:41 AM | buy | $108,138.27 | $85,128.88 | 1.26 | 0.9959 | 1.27 | 0xbe...2175 | |
03/20/2025 | 7:09:31 AM | buy | $50,909.67 | $84,863.67 | 0.5974 | 0.9959 | 0.5998 | 0xec...851e |