Info about OVX-WAVAX pair
- Pooled OVX:
- 8.91M
- Pooled WAVAX:
- $2.85
OVX/WAVAX price stats on Avalanche
As of March 10, 2025, the current price of OVX token on DEX onAVAX is $0.000005445. OVX price is up 0% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 1 trades with trading volume of $0.08. OVX token contract is 0xB12CA34C83607D6Ba0e7E6886D800cfb35045c21 with a market cap $540.74. The liquidity pool contract is 0x8C41EdFF6c6A8f9Bc2aeBBbfBBAE2A9a225aA101 with total value locked (TVL) of $96.88. The OVX/WAVAX trading pair operates on Avalanche.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of OVX/WAVAX now?
The current liquidity of OVX/WAVAX with the contract address 0x8C41EdFF6c6A8f9Bc2aeBBbfBBAE2A9a225aA101 is $96.88.
How many transactions are there in the OVX/WAVAX pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of OVX/WAVAX is 1 in the last 24 hours, 1 of which are buy transactions, and 0 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the OVX/WAVAX pool in the last 24 hours?
OVX/WAVAX pool has a trading volume of $0.08 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 OVX to WAVAX?
The exchange rate of 1 OVX to WAVAX is 0.0000003206, captured at 9:31 PM UTC.
How much is 1 OVX in dollars?
The price of converting 1 OVX to USD is $0.000005445 today.
OVX-WAVAX price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WAVAX | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/10/2025 | 6:19:55 PM | buy | $0.08176 | $0.055445 | 0.004813 | 0.063206 | 15,015.09 | 0xf6...1d76 | |
03/07/2025 | 10:54:09 AM | buy | $0.06441 | $0.056628 | 0.003106 | 0.063197 | 9,717.8 | 0x2e...828a | |
02/24/2025 | 4:19:01 PM | buy | $0.07487 | $0.057401 | 0.003227 | 0.06319 | 10,115.91 | 0x3f...8750 | |
02/24/2025 | 4:18:39 PM | buy | $0.07498 | $0.057384 | 0.003231 | 0.063182 | 10,154.18 | 0x70...33e9 | |
02/24/2025 | 4:18:12 PM | buy | $0.07876 | $0.057386 | 0.003386 | 0.063175 | 10,663.58 | 0x26...4440 | |
02/24/2025 | 4:17:07 PM | sell | $0.2964 | $0.057373 | 0.01273 | 0.063166 | 40,200.38 | 0x00...3e36 | |
02/24/2025 | 4:17:05 PM | buy | $0.07538 | $0.057442 | 0.003237 | 0.063196 | 10,128.38 | 0x9c...8001 | |
02/24/2025 | 4:16:39 PM | buy | $0.07499 | $0.057426 | 0.00322 | 0.063189 | 10,098.86 | 0x4d...f7a3 | |
02/24/2025 | 4:16:19 PM | buy | $0.08265 | $0.057408 | 0.003549 | 0.063181 | 11,156.34 | 0x8e...2a5d | |
02/24/2025 | 4:13:29 PM | buy | $0.0732 | $0.057385 | 0.003146 | 0.063174 | 9,911.43 | 0xe2...8492 | |
02/24/2025 | 4:12:55 PM | buy | $0.075 | $0.057367 | 0.003224 | 0.063167 | 10,180.22 | 0xe7...c3c6 | |
02/24/2025 | 4:12:04 PM | buy | $0.07482 | $0.05735 | 0.003216 | 0.06316 | 10,179.13 | 0x23...4017 | |
02/24/2025 | 4:11:33 PM | buy | $0.07916 | $0.057333 | 0.003403 | 0.063152 | 10,794.51 | 0x8d...0e74 | |
02/24/2025 | 4:11:07 PM | sell | $0.2938 | $0.057304 | 0.01264 | 0.063144 | 40,224.64 | 0x43...6442 | |
02/24/2025 | 4:11:04 PM | buy | $0.07449 | $0.057373 | 0.003206 | 0.063173 | 10,102.97 | 0xa1...485e | |
02/24/2025 | 4:10:29 PM | buy | $0.07456 | $0.057356 | 0.003209 | 0.063166 | 10,136.14 | 0x40...361b | |
02/24/2025 | 4:09:57 PM | buy | $0.07451 | $0.05734 | 0.003207 | 0.063159 | 10,152.52 | 0x37...78b1 | |
02/24/2025 | 4:08:55 PM | buy | $0.07424 | $0.057323 | 0.003195 | 0.063152 | 10,137.82 | 0x47...ab1f | |
02/24/2025 | 4:08:11 PM | buy | $0.07619 | $0.057306 | 0.003279 | 0.063144 | 10,428.25 | 0x5d...f7c6 | |
02/24/2025 | 4:04:04 PM | buy | $0.0751 | $0.057233 | 0.003257 | 0.063137 | 10,383.17 | 0xb4...b2be |