Info about UMJA-WETH pair
- Pooled UMJA:
- 7.96M
- Pooled WETH:
- $5.47
UMJA/WETH price stats on Arbitrum
As of February 27, 2025, the current price of UMJA token on DEX Uniswap V3 is $0.00277. UMJA price is down -2.93% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 9 trades with trading volume of $700.55. UMJA token contract is 0x16A500Aec6c37F84447ef04E66c57cfC6254cF92 with a market cap $8,311,040.33. The liquidity pool contract is 0x551579dC8BdFA60f6d21816fb25429eE49B570d5 with total value locked (TVL) of $34,832.48. The UMJA/WETH trading pair operates on Arbitrum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of UMJA/WETH now?
The current liquidity of UMJA/WETH with the contract address 0x551579dC8BdFA60f6d21816fb25429eE49B570d5 is $34,832.48.
How many transactions are there in the UMJA/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of UMJA/WETH is 9 in the last 24 hours, 1 of which are buy transactions, and 8 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the UMJA/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
UMJA/WETH pool has a trading volume of $700.55 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 UMJA to WETH?
The exchange rate of 1 UMJA to WETH is 0.000001185, captured at 7:21 AM UTC.
How much is 1 UMJA in dollars?
The price of converting 1 UMJA to USD is $0.00277 today.
UMJA-WETH price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WETH | Maker | TXN | ||||
02/27/2025 | 6:21:15 AM | sell | $6.8 | $0.00277 | 0.002911 | 0.051185 | 2,455.28 | 0x2d...9e21 | |
02/27/2025 | 4:33:18 AM | sell | $7.55 | $0.002748 | 0.003262 | 0.051186 | 2,749.44 | 0xea...4e7d | |
02/26/2025 | 5:52:43 PM | sell | $62.15 | $0.002825 | 0.02619 | 0.05119 | 21,998.58 | 0xeb...2a7b | |
02/26/2025 | 4:59:13 PM | sell | $30.28 | $0.002868 | 0.01263 | 0.051196 | 10,557.42 | 0xa0...f348 | |
02/26/2025 | 4:28:22 PM | buy | $499.13 | $0.002815 | 0.2083 | 0.051174 | 177,293.04 | 0x0c...903e | |
02/26/2025 | 12:50:51 PM | sell | $61.25 | $0.002789 | 0.02507 | 0.051141 | 21,959.58 | 0xad...9064 | |
02/26/2025 | 10:21:04 AM | sell | $11.38 | $0.002846 | 0.004583 | 0.051145 | 4,000 | 0x94...776c | |
02/26/2025 | 10:01:54 AM | sell | $15.21 | $0.00285 | 0.006126 | 0.051147 | 5,338.75 | 0x5f...8bac | |
02/26/2025 | 9:59:56 AM | sell | $6.74 | $0.002853 | 0.002716 | 0.051148 | 2,364.82 | 0x1b...e7e5 | |
02/26/2025 | 4:00:45 AM | sell | $0.06745 | $0.002867 | 0.00002703 | 0.051149 | 23.52 | 0xf8...eb8e | |
02/26/2025 | 4:00:43 AM | buy | $1,202.48 | $0.002709 | 0.4819 | 0.051086 | 443,727.82 | 0x63...660e | |
02/25/2025 | 11:44:05 PM | sell | $1.32 | $0.002539 | 0.0005294 | 0.051014 | 521.89 | 0x79...bd2f | |
02/25/2025 | 10:56:36 PM | buy | $98.02 | $0.002543 | 0.03913 | 0.051015 | 38,543.4 | 0xe8...229e | |
02/25/2025 | 8:14:34 PM | sell | $2.39 | $0.002471 | 0.0009741 | 0.051004 | 970.16 | 0x65...0d47 | |
02/25/2025 | 6:27:52 PM | sell | $6.56 | $0.002426 | 0.002718 | 0.051004 | 2,706.44 | 0x4a...a2a1 | |
02/25/2025 | 4:11:10 PM | sell | $6.92 | $0.002414 | 0.002881 | 0.051005 | 2,866.13 | 0xad...18a3 | |
02/25/2025 | 4:00:07 PM | sell | $52.14 | $0.002436 | 0.02159 | 0.051008 | 21,404.07 | 0x67...0bd7 | |
02/25/2025 | 1:08:31 PM | sell | $18.04 | $0.002461 | 0.007425 | 0.051012 | 7,332.86 | 0x5b...d066 | |
02/25/2025 | 12:09:41 PM | sell | $20.09 | $0.002475 | 0.008238 | 0.051014 | 8,119.09 | 0x6c...9163 | |
02/25/2025 | 10:28:40 AM | sell | $11.8 | $0.002414 | 0.004968 | 0.051016 | 4,887.75 | 0xc6...84eb |