Info about Avive-USDT pair
- Pooled Avive:
- 234.05M
- Pooled USDT:
- $37,762.97
Avive/USDT price stats on Arbitrum
As of February 27, 2025, the current price of Avive token on DEX Uniswap V3 is $0.0001595. Avive price is down -1.08% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 45 trades with trading volume of $2,321.50. Avive token contract is 0x5117f4Ad0bc70Dbb3B05bF39A1EC1Ee40DD67654 with a market cap $1,595,932.75. The liquidity pool contract is 0x8730AED85f756c47f3D90e7Aa98172D8D81301dC with total value locked (TVL) of $75,115.68. The Avive/USDT trading pair operates on Arbitrum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of Avive/USDT now?
The current liquidity of Avive/USDT with the contract address 0x8730AED85f756c47f3D90e7Aa98172D8D81301dC is $75,115.68.
How many transactions are there in the Avive/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of Avive/USDT is 45 in the last 24 hours, 22 of which are buy transactions, and 23 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the Avive/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
Avive/USDT pool has a trading volume of $2,321.50 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 Avive to USDT?
The exchange rate of 1 Avive to USDT is 0.0001595, captured at 8:43 PM UTC.
How much is 1 Avive in dollars?
The price of converting 1 Avive to USD is $0.0001595 today.
Avive-USDT price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDT | Maker | TXN | ||||
02/27/2025 | 7:13:09 PM | buy | $0.00768 | $0.0001595 | 0.00768 | 0.0001595 | 48.12 | 0x68...871c | |
02/27/2025 | 6:03:53 PM | buy | $47.69 | $0.0001589 | 47.69 | 0.0001589 | 300,033.61 | 0x8d...6405 | |
02/27/2025 | 6:03:53 PM | buy | $50.65 | $0.0001593 | 50.65 | 0.0001593 | 317,813.91 | 0x4d...fd9d | |
02/27/2025 | 5:25:19 PM | buy | $12.76 | $0.0001586 | 12.76 | 0.0001586 | 80,437.57 | 0x4c...153f | |
02/27/2025 | 2:12:07 PM | buy | $33.04 | $0.0001585 | 33.04 | 0.0001585 | 208,494.58 | 0x09...6052 | |
02/27/2025 | 2:05:50 PM | sell | $1.5 | $0.0001582 | 1.5 | 0.0001582 | 9,481.57 | 0x05...99b9 | |
02/27/2025 | 1:53:53 PM | buy | $19.8 | $0.0001582 | 19.8 | 0.0001582 | 125,127.85 | 0x93...fa29 | |
02/27/2025 | 10:48:13 AM | sell | $57.54 | $0.0001582 | 57.54 | 0.0001582 | 363,523.62 | 0xeb...cc03 | |
02/27/2025 | 10:30:24 AM | buy | $71.65 | $0.0001583 | 71.65 | 0.0001583 | 452,373.25 | 0xbb...9e0f | |
02/27/2025 | 10:30:24 AM | buy | $25.65 | $0.0001575 | 25.65 | 0.0001575 | 162,797.52 | 0xee...5f8b | |
02/27/2025 | 10:30:24 AM | buy | $45.72 | $0.0001578 | 45.72 | 0.0001578 | 289,575.73 | 0x79...2f25 | |
02/27/2025 | 10:30:08 AM | buy | $87.72 | $0.0001571 | 87.72 | 0.0001571 | 558,347.29 | 0xbe...a5ec | |
02/27/2025 | 10:30:07 AM | buy | $84.7 | $0.0001563 | 84.7 | 0.0001563 | 541,650.61 | 0x78...9fd9 | |
02/27/2025 | 10:00:07 AM | sell | $99.43 | $0.0001562 | 99.43 | 0.0001562 | 636,251.48 | 0x73...e341 | |
02/27/2025 | 10:00:06 AM | sell | $99.97 | $0.0001571 | 99.97 | 0.0001571 | 636,251.48 | 0x63...6957 | |
02/27/2025 | 9:44:17 AM | sell | $34.42 | $0.0001576 | 34.42 | 0.0001576 | 218,326.84 | 0xbf...48ae | |
02/27/2025 | 9:42:15 AM | sell | $59.15 | $0.000158 | 59.15 | 0.000158 | 374,170.72 | 0xa4...4aae | |
02/27/2025 | 9:35:18 AM | sell | $11.91 | $0.0001583 | 11.91 | 0.0001583 | 75,217.34 | 0x78...327d | |
02/27/2025 | 9:15:20 AM | sell | $4.61 | $0.0001584 | 4.61 | 0.0001584 | 29,142.55 | 0x3f...7a02 | |
02/27/2025 | 9:03:35 AM | buy | $100 | $0.0001582 | 100 | 0.0001582 | 632,025.36 | 0x17...abf8 |