Info about FAME-USDT pair
- Pooled FAME:
- 8.97M
- Pooled USDT:
- $100,673.01
FAME/USDT price stats on Arbitrum
As of March 9, 2025, the current price of FAME token on DEX SushiSwap is $0.01126. FAME price is up 1,023% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 89 trades with trading volume of $71,133.39. FAME token contract is 0x069c3B6A19C180605538BDcC2dDb643ebC133DC6 with a market cap $1,122,295.55. The liquidity pool contract is 0x3F10A884a393c8F6B71EAb5404F0cF31af8Bc717 with total value locked (TVL) of $201,346.04. The FAME/USDT trading pair operates on Arbitrum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of FAME/USDT now?
The current liquidity of FAME/USDT with the contract address 0x3F10A884a393c8F6B71EAb5404F0cF31af8Bc717 is $201,346.04.
How many transactions are there in the FAME/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of FAME/USDT is 89 in the last 24 hours, 74 of which are buy transactions, and 15 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the FAME/USDT pool in the last 24 hours?
FAME/USDT pool has a trading volume of $71,133.39 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 FAME to USDT?
The exchange rate of 1 FAME to USDT is 0.01126, captured at 11:18 AM UTC.
How much is 1 FAME in dollars?
The price of converting 1 FAME to USD is $0.01126 today.
FAME-USDT price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDT | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/09/2025 | 11:18:38 AM | buy | $59.13 | $0.01126 | 59.13 | 0.01126 | 5,250.22 | 0x4f...7e40 | |
03/09/2025 | 11:18:37 AM | sell | $4.06 | $0.01118 | 4.06 | 0.01118 | 363.16 | 0x3e...d6ad | |
03/09/2025 | 11:18:24 AM | buy | $24.55 | $0.01125 | 24.55 | 0.01125 | 2,181.27 | 0x3c...82a8 | |
03/09/2025 | 11:18:02 AM | buy | $64.8 | $0.01124 | 64.8 | 0.01124 | 5,763.09 | 0x7b...c49f | |
03/09/2025 | 11:17:26 AM | buy | $45.82 | $0.01123 | 45.82 | 0.01123 | 4,079.8 | 0x6b...39ee | |
03/09/2025 | 11:17:01 AM | sell | $35.72 | $0.01116 | 35.72 | 0.01116 | 3,199.81 | 0x86...3ec8 | |
03/09/2025 | 11:16:48 AM | buy | $76.95 | $0.01122 | 76.95 | 0.01122 | 6,854.67 | 0x15...09aa | |
03/09/2025 | 11:16:42 AM | buy | $2,480 | $0.01094 | 2,480 | 0.01094 | 226,660.54 | 0x62...382c | |
03/09/2025 | 11:16:22 AM | buy | $4.12 | $0.01067 | 4.12 | 0.01067 | 386.19 | 0xd9...d90d | |
03/09/2025 | 11:16:18 AM | buy | $57.28 | $0.01066 | 57.28 | 0.01066 | 5,371.08 | 0xef...c5d2 | |
03/09/2025 | 11:16:03 AM | buy | $34.37 | $0.01065 | 34.37 | 0.01065 | 3,225.66 | 0xa6...7209 | |
03/09/2025 | 11:15:28 AM | buy | $3,347 | $0.01028 | 3,347 | 0.01028 | 325,349.68 | 0x86...7a64 | |
03/09/2025 | 11:15:27 AM | buy | $54.01 | $0.01061 | 54.01 | 0.01061 | 5,438.46 | 0x72...6743 | |
03/09/2025 | 11:15:15 AM | buy | $20,646.78 | $0.009895 | 20,646.78 | 0.009895 | 2.66M | 0xa8...b75e | |
03/09/2025 | 11:15:01 AM | sell | $14.21 | $0.006031 | 14.21 | 0.006031 | 2,356 | 0x9a...2f7a | |
03/09/2025 | 11:14:57 AM | sell | $28.19 | $0.006035 | 28.19 | 0.006035 | 4,672.04 | 0xdb...c01e | |
03/09/2025 | 11:14:55 AM | buy | $76.92 | $0.006067 | 76.92 | 0.006067 | 12,677.66 | 0xba...0768 | |
03/09/2025 | 11:14:32 AM | buy | $36 | $0.006058 | 36 | 0.006058 | 5,943.28 | 0x37...daa9 | |
03/09/2025 | 11:14:12 AM | buy | $27.54 | $0.006053 | 27.54 | 0.006053 | 4,550.05 | 0xfd...afec | |
03/09/2025 | 11:13:48 AM | sell | $8.09 | $0.006015 | 8.09 | 0.006015 | 1,345 | 0xe6...7405 |