Info about Lqdr-WETH pair
- Pooled Lqdr:
- 39,964.91
- Pooled WETH:
- $6.26
Lqdr/WETH price stats on Arbitrum
As of March 12, 2025, the current price of Lqdr token on DEX Ramses V2 is $0.2959. Lqdr price is up 2.45% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 2 trades with trading volume of $207.11. Lqdr token contract is 0x816E21c33fa5F8440EBcDF6e01D39314541BEA72 with a market cap $3,031,526.82. The liquidity pool contract is 0xcD00d4e8314c0374229c4611464a36211B1B3FB5 with total value locked (TVL) of $23,577.53. The Lqdr/WETH trading pair operates on Arbitrum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of Lqdr/WETH now?
The current liquidity of Lqdr/WETH with the contract address 0xcD00d4e8314c0374229c4611464a36211B1B3FB5 is $23,577.53.
How many transactions are there in the Lqdr/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of Lqdr/WETH is 2 in the last 24 hours, 1 of which are buy transactions, and 1 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the Lqdr/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
Lqdr/WETH pool has a trading volume of $207.11 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 Lqdr to WETH?
The exchange rate of 1 Lqdr to WETH is 0.0001573, captured at 4:03 PM UTC.
How much is 1 Lqdr in dollars?
The price of converting 1 Lqdr to USD is $0.2959 today.
Lqdr-WETH price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WETH | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/12/2025 | 2:31:09 PM | buy | $200.31 | $0.2959 | 0.1064 | 0.0001573 | 676.81 | 0x65...9a04 | |
03/12/2025 | 9:04:20 AM | sell | $6.79 | $0.2888 | 0.003496 | 0.0001486 | 23.52 | 0x64...adca | |
03/10/2025 | 9:34:22 PM | buy | $37.99 | $0.2916 | 0.02011 | 0.0001543 | 130.28 | 0x98...5e4d | |
03/10/2025 | 7:46:35 PM | sell | $30.64 | $0.2765 | 0.01642 | 0.0001481 | 110.84 | 0x0e...0af6 | |
03/10/2025 | 2:57:10 PM | sell | $209.2 | $0.3029 | 0.1043 | 0.000151 | 690.54 | 0xb6...b31c | |
03/10/2025 | 6:31:00 AM | sell | $0.2872 | $0.3172 | 0.0001391 | 0.0001536 | 0.9054 | 0xde...80d6 | |
03/10/2025 | 4:58:55 AM | sell | $20.13 | $0.3185 | 0.009727 | 0.0001539 | 63.2 | 0x3c...f602 | |
03/10/2025 | 4:20:29 AM | sell | $2.21 | $0.3188 | 0.001071 | 0.0001541 | 6.94 | 0x9c...76d1 | |
03/06/2025 | 10:41:58 PM | buy | $13.48 | $0.3542 | 0.006104 | 0.0001603 | 38.05 | 0x28...154d | |
03/06/2025 | 8:07:43 PM | sell | $1.79 | $0.3386 | 0.000817 | 0.0001539 | 5.3 | 0x9d...6f17 | |
03/06/2025 | 8:07:15 PM | buy | $299.71 | $0.3452 | 0.1362 | 0.0001568 | 868.22 | 0x92...27a7 | |
03/06/2025 | 8:07:15 PM | sell | $0.8931 | $0.3387 | 0.0004058 | 0.0001539 | 2.63 | 0xc5...bcf3 | |
03/06/2025 | 4:18:33 PM | sell | $0.7651 | $0.333 | 0.0003388 | 0.0001474 | 2.29 | 0x45...62ec | |
03/06/2025 | 9:21:18 AM | sell | $85.43 | $0.3389 | 0.03739 | 0.0001483 | 252.03 | 0x8e...0c38 | |
03/06/2025 | 8:23:15 AM | sell | $0.5881 | $0.3415 | 0.0002571 | 0.0001492 | 1.72 | 0xa9...ff9c | |
03/06/2025 | 6:51:37 AM | buy | $16.6 | $0.357 | 0.00722 | 0.0001552 | 46.5 | 0x84...76ea | |
03/06/2025 | 5:44:57 AM | sell | $16.15 | $0.3446 | 0.00699 | 0.0001491 | 46.87 | 0x47...5c4b | |
03/06/2025 | 3:24:21 AM | sell | $37.73 | $0.3416 | 0.01653 | 0.0001496 | 110.43 | 0xfb...2449 | |
03/06/2025 | 2:30:37 AM | sell | $71.98 | $0.3429 | 0.03166 | 0.0001508 | 209.88 | 0xbd...6847 | |
03/06/2025 | 1:39:18 AM | sell | $215.4 | $0.3459 | 0.09588 | 0.0001539 | 622.66 | 0x48...80cc |