Info about WETH-USDC pair
- Pooled WETH:
- 4.29
- Pooled USDC:
- $4,066.24
WETH/USDC price stats on Arbitrum
As of March 4, 2025, the current price of WETH token on DEX LFJ V2.1 is $2,072.45. WETH price is down -15.72% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 1383 trades with trading volume of $35,754.48. WETH token contract is 0x82aF49447D8a07e3bd95BD0d56f35241523fBab1 with a market cap $475,315,687.53. The liquidity pool contract is 0x94d53BE52706a155d27440C4a2434BEa772a6f7C with total value locked (TVL) of $12,958.77. The WETH/USDC trading pair operates on Arbitrum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of WETH/USDC now?
The current liquidity of WETH/USDC with the contract address 0x94d53BE52706a155d27440C4a2434BEa772a6f7C is $12,958.77.
How many transactions are there in the WETH/USDC pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of WETH/USDC is 1383 in the last 24 hours, 621 of which are buy transactions, and 762 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the WETH/USDC pool in the last 24 hours?
WETH/USDC pool has a trading volume of $35,754.48 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 WETH to USDC?
The exchange rate of 1 WETH to USDC is 2,072.45, captured at 1:49 AM UTC.
How much is 1 WETH in dollars?
The price of converting 1 WETH to USD is $2,072.45 today.
WETH-USDC price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDC | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/04/2025 | 1:47:38 AM | sell | $0.4704 | $2,072.45 | 0.4704 | 2,072.45 | 0.000227 | 0x6f...e722 | |
03/04/2025 | 1:47:38 AM | sell | $0.6429 | $2,075.67 | 0.6429 | 2,075.67 | 0.0003097 | 0x6f...e722 | |
03/04/2025 | 1:42:19 AM | sell | $0.4313 | $2,084.98 | 0.4313 | 2,084.98 | 0.0002069 | 0xe2...3ecf | |
03/04/2025 | 1:42:19 AM | sell | $0.4929 | $2,075.22 | 0.4929 | 2,075.22 | 0.0002375 | 0xe2...3ecf | |
03/04/2025 | 1:42:19 AM | sell | $1.14 | $2,078.49 | 1.14 | 2,078.49 | 0.0005532 | 0xe2...3ecf | |
03/04/2025 | 1:42:19 AM | sell | $1.13 | $2,081.75 | 1.13 | 2,081.75 | 0.0005434 | 0xe2...3ecf | |
03/04/2025 | 1:40:42 AM | sell | $0.7505 | $2,100.76 | 0.7505 | 2,100.76 | 0.0003572 | 0x51...3175 | |
03/04/2025 | 1:40:42 AM | sell | $0.7382 | $2,097.53 | 0.7382 | 2,097.53 | 0.0003519 | 0x51...3175 | |
03/04/2025 | 1:40:42 AM | sell | $1.11 | $2,087.72 | 1.11 | 2,087.72 | 0.0005353 | 0x51...3175 | |
03/04/2025 | 1:40:42 AM | sell | $0.7281 | $2,094.28 | 0.7281 | 2,094.28 | 0.0003477 | 0x51...3175 | |
03/04/2025 | 1:40:42 AM | sell | $1.12 | $2,091.01 | 1.12 | 2,091.01 | 0.0005365 | 0x51...3175 | |
03/04/2025 | 1:40:42 AM | sell | $1.22 | $2,103.97 | 1.22 | 2,103.97 | 0.0005798 | 0x51...3175 | |
03/04/2025 | 1:40:42 AM | sell | $0.6934 | $2,084.41 | 0.6934 | 2,084.41 | 0.0003326 | 0x51...3175 | |
03/04/2025 | 1:34:21 AM | sell | $51.23 | $2,107.09 | 51.23 | 2,107.09 | 0.02431 | 0x23...5abe | |
03/04/2025 | 1:34:21 AM | sell | $0.03449 | $2,103.84 | 0.03449 | 2,103.84 | 0.00001639 | 0x23...5abe | |
03/04/2025 | 1:34:09 AM | sell | $0.1558 | $2,107.08 | 0.1558 | 2,107.08 | 0.00007395 | 0x43...504c | |
03/04/2025 | 1:34:09 AM | sell | $51.7 | $2,110.3 | 51.7 | 2,110.3 | 0.0245 | 0x43...504c | |
03/04/2025 | 1:33:08 AM | sell | $51.7 | $2,113.44 | 51.7 | 2,113.44 | 0.02446 | 0x84...908f | |
03/04/2025 | 1:33:08 AM | sell | $0.07443 | $2,110.22 | 0.07443 | 2,110.22 | 0.00003527 | 0x84...908f | |
03/04/2025 | 1:32:12 AM | sell | $0.2524 | $2,113.3 | 0.2524 | 2,113.3 | 0.0001194 | 0x17...269f |