Info about EMDX-USDC pair
- Pooled EMDX:
- 2.46M
- Pooled USDC:
- $10,528.28
EMDX/USDC price stats on Arbitrum
As of February 10, 2025, the current price of EMDX token on DEX Joe Trader V2.1 is $0.01356. EMDX price is up 0% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 0 trades with trading volume of $0.00. EMDX token contract is 0xda71EA8ef58D015de8C5cEA8f7B890db3A103E67 with a market cap $735,256.78. The liquidity pool contract is 0xE715d4dd0695A2f166Bd0f6301358a9ea0bDbc16 with total value locked (TVL) of $43,914.82. The EMDX/USDC trading pair operates on Arbitrum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of EMDX/USDC now?
The current liquidity of EMDX/USDC with the contract address 0xE715d4dd0695A2f166Bd0f6301358a9ea0bDbc16 is $43,914.82.
How many transactions are there in the EMDX/USDC pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of EMDX/USDC is 0 in the last 24 hours, 0 of which are buy transactions, and 0 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the EMDX/USDC pool in the last 24 hours?
EMDX/USDC pool has a trading volume of $0.00 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 EMDX to USDC?
The exchange rate of 1 EMDX to USDC is 0.01356, captured at 1:42 PM UTC.
How much is 1 EMDX in dollars?
The price of converting 1 EMDX to USD is $0.01356 today.
EMDX-USDC price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price USDC | Maker | TXN | ||||
02/06/2025 | 5:56:15 PM | sell | $136.72 | $0.01356 | 136.72 | 0.01356 | 10,079.28 | 0x97...fe5f | |
02/03/2025 | 3:22:10 AM | sell | $97.92 | $0.01356 | 97.92 | 0.01356 | 7,219.21 | 0xa7...9c1c | |
02/03/2025 | 3:22:10 AM | sell | $37.94 | $0.01363 | 37.94 | 0.01363 | 2,783.62 | 0xa7...9c1c | |
02/02/2025 | 5:37:05 PM | sell | $156.22 | $0.01363 | 156.22 | 0.01363 | 11,459.22 | 0xd5...207f |