Info about ATROPA-UFO pair
- Pooled ATROPA:
- 1.66M
- Pooled UFO:
- $1.59B
ATROPA/UFO price stats on PulseChain
As of March 14, 2025, the current price of ATROPA token on DEX PulseX V2 is $0.03056. ATROPA price is up 8.56% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 12 trades with trading volume of $2,116.70. ATROPA token contract is 0xCc78A0acDF847A2C1714D2A925bB4477df5d48a6 with a market cap $36,549,218.15. The liquidity pool contract is 0xD7EB677FD97FdDFC4e577E45BAF2DA3bc7381fA5 with total value locked (TVL) of $105,503.18. The ATROPA/UFO trading pair operates on PulseChain.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of ATROPA/UFO now?
The current liquidity of ATROPA/UFO with the contract address 0xD7EB677FD97FdDFC4e577E45BAF2DA3bc7381fA5 is $105,503.18.
How many transactions are there in the ATROPA/UFO pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of ATROPA/UFO is 12 in the last 24 hours, 2 of which are buy transactions, and 10 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the ATROPA/UFO pool in the last 24 hours?
ATROPA/UFO pool has a trading volume of $2,116.70 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 ATROPA to UFO?
The exchange rate of 1 ATROPA to UFO is 954.54, captured at 8:36 AM UTC.
How much is 1 ATROPA in dollars?
The price of converting 1 ATROPA to USD is $0.03056 today.
ATROPA-UFO price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price UFO | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/14/2025 | 7:18:45 AM | buy | $144.7 | $0.03056 | 4.52M | 954.54 | 4,735.01 | 0xba...c79b | |
03/14/2025 | 6:30:45 AM | buy | $161.32 | $0.02847 | 5.37M | 948.6 | 5,665.63 | 0x3c...2f0a | |
03/14/2025 | 5:35:55 AM | buy | $24.21 | $0.02643 | 865,680.63 | 944.87 | 916.18 | 0x22...d3e7 | |
03/14/2025 | 5:32:05 AM | buy | $152.84 | $0.0263 | 5.47M | 941.07 | 5,811.39 | 0xb0...afb1 | |
03/14/2025 | 4:58:15 AM | buy | $31.52 | $0.02591 | 1.14M | 937.14 | 1,216.23 | 0xd5...daad | |
03/14/2025 | 4:47:55 AM | buy | $62.18 | $0.02571 | 2.26M | 935.11 | 2,418.18 | 0x89...e211 | |
03/13/2025 | 11:57:35 PM | sell | $2.07 | $0.02771 | 69,432.54 | 928.31 | 74.79 | 0x52...609e | |
03/13/2025 | 8:41:15 PM | buy | $556.37 | $0.02743 | 18.71M | 922.7 | 20,281.92 | 0xe7...5220 | |
03/13/2025 | 3:42:05 PM | sell | $32.69 | $0.02791 | 1.06M | 907.06 | 1,171.12 | 0xb7...091a | |
03/13/2025 | 7:24:55 AM | buy | $316.51 | $0.02882 | 9.96M | 907.1 | 10,979.64 | 0x44...cea3 | |
03/13/2025 | 7:23:05 AM | buy | $316.26 | $0.02815 | 9.93M | 883.95 | 11,234.83 | 0xcc...9797 | |
03/13/2025 | 7:23:05 AM | buy | $315.97 | $0.02851 | 9.92M | 895.48 | 11,079.85 | 0xb8...a8fa | |
03/13/2025 | 7:11:25 AM | buy | $329.55 | $0.0274 | 10.49M | 872.17 | 12,025.03 | 0xde...63ca | |
03/13/2025 | 7:11:15 AM | buy | $293.62 | $0.02704 | 9.34M | 860.81 | 10,855.36 | 0x94...67f5 | |
03/13/2025 | 6:02:25 AM | buy | $36.03 | $0.02712 | 1.14M | 854.93 | 1,328.41 | 0x75...ba8f | |
03/13/2025 | 6:01:45 AM | buy | $68.43 | $0.02706 | 2.16M | 853.06 | 2,528.51 | 0x79...7d3c | |
03/13/2025 | 4:14:15 AM | buy | $75.13 | $0.02722 | 2.35M | 850.41 | 2,759.4 | 0x94...e731 | |
03/13/2025 | 3:43:05 AM | buy | $91.45 | $0.02721 | 2.85M | 847.47 | 3,361.06 | 0x9b...3fc1 | |
03/13/2025 | 3:41:35 AM | buy | $67.98 | $0.02719 | 2.11M | 844.66 | 2,500.41 | 0xfe...2f0b | |
03/13/2025 | 3:28:15 AM | buy | $57.26 | $0.02707 | 1.78M | 842.54 | 2,115.24 | 0x54...fa06 |