Info about FIL-WBNB pair
- Pooled FIL:
- 523.92
- Pooled WBNB:
- $2.57
FIL/WBNB price stats on BNB Chain
As of March 14, 2025, the current price of FIL token on DEX GIBX is $2.88. FIL price is up 6.98% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 28 trades with trading volume of $48.52. FIL token contract is 0x0D8Ce2A99Bb6e3B7Db580eD848240e4a0F9aE153 with a market cap $39,788,399.67. The liquidity pool contract is 0xBdbfc1810b072019Ed9daaD776aCfd00fF89a4B2 with total value locked (TVL) of $3,019.01. The FIL/WBNB trading pair operates on BNB Chain.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of FIL/WBNB now?
The current liquidity of FIL/WBNB with the contract address 0xBdbfc1810b072019Ed9daaD776aCfd00fF89a4B2 is $3,019.01.
How many transactions are there in the FIL/WBNB pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of FIL/WBNB is 28 in the last 24 hours, 25 of which are buy transactions, and 3 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the FIL/WBNB pool in the last 24 hours?
FIL/WBNB pool has a trading volume of $48.52 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 FIL to WBNB?
The exchange rate of 1 FIL to WBNB is 0.004934, captured at 6:48 PM UTC.
How much is 1 FIL in dollars?
The price of converting 1 FIL to USD is $2.88 today.
FIL-WBNB price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WBNB | Maker | TXN | ||||
03/14/2025 | 5:13:55 PM | buy | $0.9274 | $2.88 | 0.001584 | 0.004934 | 0.3211 | 0x35...519f | |
03/14/2025 | 3:27:43 PM | buy | $2.98 | $2.88 | 0.005088 | 0.004921 | 1.03 | 0xc5...3e51 | |
03/14/2025 | 1:00:49 PM | buy | $1.07 | $2.84 | 0.00186 | 0.004908 | 0.379 | 0x78...fb3f | |
03/14/2025 | 11:49:37 AM | buy | $0.7189 | $2.83 | 0.001242 | 0.004902 | 0.2534 | 0x6b...a0ce | |
03/14/2025 | 11:16:34 AM | buy | $0.9807 | $2.83 | 0.001693 | 0.004896 | 0.3458 | 0x32...7081 | |
03/14/2025 | 8:30:16 AM | buy | $1.31 | $2.82 | 0.002282 | 0.004889 | 0.4668 | 0x48...5bec | |
03/14/2025 | 8:27:49 AM | buy | $2.73 | $2.81 | 0.004729 | 0.004875 | 0.9699 | 0x34...dc30 | |
03/14/2025 | 8:21:07 AM | buy | $3.86 | $2.8 | 0.006695 | 0.004854 | 1.37 | 0xd6...9932 | |
03/14/2025 | 8:02:55 AM | buy | $1.85 | $2.79 | 0.003206 | 0.004835 | 0.6632 | 0x78...b1ec | |
03/14/2025 | 7:44:10 AM | buy | $2.39 | $2.79 | 0.004138 | 0.004821 | 0.8583 | 0x33...5c62 | |
03/14/2025 | 7:34:43 AM | buy | $2.06 | $2.78 | 0.003561 | 0.004806 | 0.7409 | 0x12...31b2 | |
03/14/2025 | 7:11:54 AM | buy | $0.6505 | $2.79 | 0.001118 | 0.004798 | 0.2331 | 0x58...f15d | |
03/14/2025 | 6:57:42 AM | buy | $1.32 | $2.78 | 0.002276 | 0.004791 | 0.475 | 0xf8...c5a3 | |
03/14/2025 | 5:09:57 AM | sell | $0.7946 | $2.78 | 0.001358 | 0.004761 | 0.2853 | 0x23...8513 | |
03/14/2025 | 4:21:34 AM | buy | $0.1428 | $2.79 | 0.0002448 | 0.004792 | 0.05108 | 0x7d...cd1d | |
03/14/2025 | 4:00:22 AM | buy | $0.9452 | $2.78 | 0.001623 | 0.004788 | 0.339 | 0xee...99a8 | |
03/14/2025 | 3:17:46 AM | buy | $1.77 | $2.78 | 0.003053 | 0.004779 | 0.6388 | 0x85...ae58 | |
03/13/2025 | 11:08:58 PM | buy | $1.57 | $2.75 | 0.002731 | 0.004768 | 0.5728 | 0xc8...ab8f | |
03/13/2025 | 11:04:22 PM | buy | $1.83 | $2.74 | 0.003184 | 0.004757 | 0.6693 | 0xec...885d | |
03/13/2025 | 11:03:25 PM | buy | $1.25 | $2.73 | 0.002171 | 0.004747 | 0.4573 | 0x91...a6d6 |