Info about SHINAGA-WETH pair
- Pooled SHINAGA:
- 724.64M
- Pooled WETH:
- $12.43
SHINAGA/WETH price stats on Ethereum
As of January 23, 2025, the current price of SHINAGA token on DEX Uniswap is $0.00005595. SHINAGA price is up 53.55% in the last 24 hours. The trading history for the last 24 hours contains 28 trades with trading volume of $19,069.71. SHINAGA token contract is 0xb95Dd01c6856DC5753B5A205c2dDD03Ef8170c50 with a market cap $55,832.87. The liquidity pool contract is 0x6d3E041EE1dde95B0c4Dd59A7cB71FC0C85776f5 with total value locked (TVL) of $80,917.09. The SHINAGA/WETH trading pair operates on Ethereum.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the liquidity of SHINAGA/WETH now?
The current liquidity of SHINAGA/WETH with the contract address 0x6d3E041EE1dde95B0c4Dd59A7cB71FC0C85776f5 is $80,917.09.
How many transactions are there in the SHINAGA/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
The total transactions of SHINAGA/WETH is 28 in the last 24 hours, 19 of which are buy transactions, and 9 are sales transactions.
What is the trading volume in the SHINAGA/WETH pool in the last 24 hours?
SHINAGA/WETH pool has a trading volume of $19,069.71 in the last 24 hours.
What is the exchange rate of 1 SHINAGA to WETH?
The exchange rate of 1 SHINAGA to WETH is 0.0000000172, captured at 12:40 AM UTC.
How much is 1 SHINAGA in dollars?
The price of converting 1 SHINAGA to USD is $0.00005595 today.
SHINAGA-WETH price chart
Date | Time | Price $ | Price WETH | Maker | TXN | ||||
01/22/2025 | 9:46:23 PM | buy | $32.36 | $0.00005595 | 0.00995 | 0.07172 | 578,442.21 | 0x17...edd4 | |
01/22/2025 | 9:45:59 PM | sell | $2,622.68 | $0.00005572 | 0.8064 | 0.071713 | 38.83M | 0xbe...3642 | |
01/22/2025 | 9:45:59 PM | sell | $145.98 | $0.00005801 | 0.04489 | 0.071783 | 2.52M | 0x90...4ef4 | |
01/22/2025 | 9:45:59 PM | sell | $847.21 | $0.00005572 | 0.2605 | 0.071713 | 14.26M | 0xaa...7abf | |
01/22/2025 | 9:45:59 PM | sell | $888.89 | $0.00005572 | 0.2733 | 0.071713 | 14.25M | 0xbe...3642 | |
01/22/2025 | 9:45:59 PM | sell | $153.07 | $0.00005572 | 0.04707 | 0.071713 | 2.52M | 0xaa...7abf | |
01/22/2025 | 9:45:59 PM | sell | $808.4 | $0.00005667 | 0.2485 | 0.071742 | 14.26M | 0x90...4ef4 | |
01/22/2025 | 9:43:11 PM | buy | $1,384.41 | $0.00006988 | 0.4257 | 0.072149 | 19.81M | 0xdd...b924 | |
01/22/2025 | 9:43:11 PM | buy | $986.46 | $0.00007184 | 0.3033 | 0.072209 | 19.77M | 0xdc...ef6b | |
01/22/2025 | 9:43:11 PM | buy | $1,097.55 | $0.00007184 | 0.3375 | 0.072209 | 19.78M | 0x85...ba12 | |
01/22/2025 | 9:43:11 PM | buy | $772.69 | $0.00007184 | 0.2376 | 0.072209 | 19.74M | 0x5f...abb9 | |
01/22/2025 | 9:43:11 PM | buy | $738.35 | $0.00007184 | 0.227 | 0.072209 | 19.73M | 0x2c...bbe5 | |
01/22/2025 | 9:43:11 PM | buy | $1,160.26 | $0.00007184 | 0.3568 | 0.072209 | 19.79M | 0xa2...65da | |
01/22/2025 | 9:43:11 PM | buy | $1,039.78 | $0.00007184 | 0.3197 | 0.072209 | 19.78M | 0x7e...c42f | |
01/22/2025 | 9:43:11 PM | buy | $937.13 | $0.00007184 | 0.2881 | 0.072209 | 19.76M | 0xf6...a053 | |
01/22/2025 | 9:43:11 PM | buy | $1,228.51 | $0.00007184 | 0.3778 | 0.072209 | 19.8M | 0x87...615f | |
01/22/2025 | 9:43:11 PM | buy | $848.97 | $0.00007184 | 0.261 | 0.072209 | 19.75M | 0x4f...f03a | |
01/22/2025 | 9:43:11 PM | buy | $891.42 | $0.00007184 | 0.2741 | 0.072209 | 19.76M | 0xc6...1bd8 | |
01/22/2025 | 9:43:11 PM | buy | $1,302.97 | $0.00007184 | 0.4007 | 0.072209 | 19.8M | 0x0b...e32a | |
01/22/2025 | 9:43:11 PM | buy | $809.48 | $0.00007184 | 0.2489 | 0.072209 | 19.74M | 0x73...863c |